Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Setting off for the Lost Mine of Phandelver

Welcome! I started this blog to chronicle my efforts to run the Dungeons & Dragons Starter set Lost Mines of Phandelver on as tight of a budget as possible. The initial investment of the starter set is pretty low; when I bought it, it was priced at under $10 on Amazon or Target. Now, it's up to around $16, but it's still a good deal. That price includes the adventure, a basic set of rules, a full set of dice, and pre-generated character sheets.

Many of the encounters can be done with imagination (so-called "Theatre of the Mind") or by using paper cutout minis. I wanted to have three-dimensional minis, so I'll be putting in some more effort. Please leave comments if you have suggestions or ideas, but I already have most of this adventure planned out.